COVID-19 Resources

As we work through these trying times, here are a few of resources to keep in mind. Check back regularly as we will regularly be updating to better support your needs.

Omicron Updates - Jan 2022

The Omicron variant is setting daily records in case counts and transmission, and this comes at a time with updated quarantine guidance from the CDC. Depending on your vaccination & booster status, this will vary. Please read this bulletin for additional insights. COVID-19 test sites are backlogged or offline due to their own staffing concerns; please exercise patience in booking appointments in your area. Vaccines and doctor ordered tests continue to be covered with no cost share. To report a COVID diagnosis or exposure, please contact our safety team at

Vaccination Resources

The roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines and continued CDC updates may leave you with questions. Are they safe? Is one vaccine better to get than another? When and how often can I get vaccinated? These resources below can help you stay informed, make a plan and address any concerns you may have. For quick reference, visit the CVS Health COVID-19 page or the CDC site on COVID-19.

Hear from Dr. Sree, Chief Medical Officer of CVS Caremark®

Hear from Dr. Sree about the safety of the FDA-authorized vaccines as well as mild side effects you may experience when you get your vaccination.


Benefit Plan Changes and Enhancements

McClatchy continues to work with our providers, following IRS guidance, to make temporary benefit plan changes and enhancements. Some changes remaining for 2022 include:

Medical Services

Counseling Services

Prescription Services

Coping with COVID-19 Webinars

Get help understanding some of the reasons new threats such as Coronavirus can be so scary,  learn about symptoms, prevention methods and ways to help keep you calm with these on-demand webinars.


  • 24/7 Aetna Nurse Medical Line: 1-800-556-1555
  • Aetna Crisis Response Line: 833-327-2386
  • 24/7 EAP: 1-866-845-4972