Disability Insurance
If you are ill or injured and unable to work, McClatchy has benefits to protect you and minimize your financial worries.

The Hartford is the administrator for McClatchy's STD and LTD benefits, and benefit-eligible employees are automatically enrolled. See below for plan information. If you are requesting a leave of absence associated with disability claim, please complete this form. To contact the Hartford, visit The Hartford Disability Portal.
Short-Term Disability (STD)
STD provides income replacement if you become unable to work due to medical disability
STD is a company paid disability benefit provided to full-time, eligible employees. McClatchy will pay up to 60 percent of an employee’s base salary (plus direct sales commissions) up to $2,500.00 per week for a maximum of 25 weeks for approved disability claims.
STD is integrated with State Disability Insurance (SDI) where applicable. There is a seven-day waiting period before STD benefits begin. Employees may be required to use any available sick leave, vacation time or PTO during the seven-day waiting period and can use available sick/vacation/PTO to supplement STD payments up to 100 percent of pay. Employees on workers’ compensation leave are not eligible for STD benefits.
The Hartford administers the STD program, and employees should report a claim directly to The Hartford either through The Hartford's website or by phone, after they have notified the Leave of Absence department of their need for leave. STD checks will be issued by McClatchy on regularly scheduled pay days. Taxes and appropriate deductions (e.g., health care deductions) will be withheld from STD checks.
Enrollment is automatic for full-time, eligible employees. Generally, new employees become eligible for the benefit on the first of the month following 30 days of employment. However, in some non-daily markets, the eligibility period is one year.
* All benefit provisions described are subject to the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements.
Long-Term Disability (LTD)
If you are unable to work due to a medical disability for more than 180 days, Long-Term Disability (LTD) begins to pay benefits on your 181st day of disability.
For eligible employees, McClatchy will provide LTD insurance equal to 50 percent of an employee’s base salary (plus direct sales commissions) up to a maximum benefit of $15,000 per month.
* All benefit provisions described are subject to the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements.
Employees may purchase (“buy-up”) an additional 10% of LTD coverage during the initial enrollment period or annual open enrollment for a total of 60 percent of salary, up to the maximum benefit of $15,000 per month. LTD benefits will be reduced by other sources of income such as social security disability benefits.
Upon initial eligibility, new hires may elect to purchase the additional 10% LTD coverage without providing Evidence of Insurability (EOI).
Any employees who wish to elect the additional 10% LTD coverage during a "life event" or during annual open enrollment will have to provide EOI.
The cost is $0.07 per pay period per $100 of wage earned. Evidence of Insurability is required.
The Summary Plan Description (SPD) is a detailed guide to what McClatchy's Long-Term Disability plan covers and how the plans work.
The Summary of Coverage (SOC) is a snapshot of McClatchy's LTD plan rules, limits and exceptions explained in easy-to-understand terms.
Member Tools
All employees covered by the Hartford for life or disability are eligible to use the following supplemental benefits and services. We encourage you to open up each flyer to learn more about the benefit and how to use. These are provided at no cost to employees.
Travel Assistance and ID Theft - When you need pre-trip information, emergency medical assistance or personal assistance services while traveling.
Funeral Concierge Services - Helps with decision making and budget options during the difficult time of funeral planning.
Beneficiary Assist Counseling - For professional help after a loss or terminal illness.
From everyday issues like job pressures, relationships and retirement planning to highly impactful issues like grief, loss, or a disability, Ability Assist is your resource for professional support. Through The Hartford, you and your family, including spouse and dependents can access Ability Assist at any time. The service includes up to three face-to-face emotional counseling sessions per occurrence per year.
Through The Hartford’s Ability Assist EAP services, HealthChampion helps take some of the burden off your shoulders, no matter what kind of health plan you have. The program can:
- Guide you through health care options
- Connect you with the right resources
- Advocate for timely and fair resolution of issues