Leave of Absence
Sometimes life happens...accidents, illnesses, injuries - not to just to ourselves, but to those we love and care for. This is why Leave of Absence(s) exist.
Leave of Absence Request Form

To start a leave, complete the Request Form to the left
A leave of absence (LOA) is a period where you take time away from work due to a disability, medical concern, family matter, or personal need beyond a vacation or holiday. LOAs will begin after 5 consecutive days of absence and may be accompanied with job protection, parental leave and/or supplemental income benefits.
FAQ Overview
Click here to launch our frequently asked questions about leaves of absence with McClatchy.
Types of Leaves
The purpose of the paid parental leave is to enable employees to care for and bond with a newborn, or a newly-adopted or newly-placed child.
McClatchy will provide up to ten (10) weeks of fully paid parental leave to employees following the birth of an employee's child or the placement of a child with an employee in connection with adoption, parental surrogacy, or foster-to-adopt care.
Eligible employees must meet the following criteria-
- Have been employed with the company for at least 6 months
- Be regularly scheduled to work at least 30 hours per week; temporary employees (hired for less than one year) and interns are not eligible for this benefit.
In addition, to qualify for paid parental leave employees must meet one of the following criteria-
- Have given birth to a child; or
- Be the married spouse or domestic partner of a person who has given birth to a child; or
- Have had a child placed with them through parental surrogacy; or
- Have adopted a child or been placed with a foster-to-adopt child (in either case, the child must be 17 years or younger). The adoption of a new spouse’s child and temporary foster care such as respite, emergency, kinship or therapeutic foster care, is excluded from this policy.
McClatchy provides fully paid maternity leave for eligible employees who give birth. Fully paid maternity leave for employees who give birth, starts once the child is born and continues 6-8 weeks after the child’s birth depending upon natural or c-section delivery. The paid maternity leave program will pay six (6) weeks of base pay because of a natural delivery and eight (8) weeks of base pay as a result of a c-section delivery.
If the employee giving birth to the child is released from work by their physician 4 weeks or less before the expected delivery date, they will be covered during that prepartum period under McClatchy’s short-term disability program.
After maternity leave ends, McClatchy will provide up to ten (10) additional weeks of fully paid parental leave. See parental leave section for more details.
Tip: Check out Aetna's maternity program page for information on maternity resources.
State and federal laws provide you with the right to take job-protected leave with continued medical benefits for the times in your career when you need time off from work to care for yourself or a family member who is seriously ill or to care for a newborn/newly adopted child. These laws are the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and any related state and local laws in effect in your area.
- FMLA is unpaid; however, you may receive supplemental pay using available sick, vacation or personal bank hours (if applicable).
- FMLA provides job protection and benefit continuation while on an approved leave.
Eligibility: If you have been employed by the company for at least 1 year and have worked at least 1,250 hours within the previous 12 months, you may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of FMLA.
Short Term Disability is paid disability coverage for non-occupational health conditions. STD is available for your illness/disability only and does not provide benefits for your family members' illness/disability.
- Pays up to 60% of your base salary (plus direct sales commissions) up to $2,500.00 per week for a maximum of 25 weeks for approved disability claims.
- There is a 7-calendar day waiting period before the company will pay STD benefits
- You may be eligible to use accrued sick, vacation or personal bank to supplement the additional 40% of your pay while on approved leave
- STD is integrated with State Disability Insurance (SDI) where applicable.
Eligibility: If you work 30 or more hours per week, you are eligible for STD benefits beginning on the first of the month following 30 days of active employment.
Long Term Disability is a monthly benefit for employees who are disabled beyond the 25 weeks of approved STD.
- LTD is payable by The Hartford and acts like an insurance plan.
- LTD has a 180-day waiting period of total disability before benefits will be paid
- Will pay 50% of your base salary for approved disability claims or 60% if you purchased the “buy-up.” •
Eligibility: If you work 30 or more hours per week, you are eligible for benefits beginning on the first of the month following 30 days of active employment.
If you are injured on the job, report your injury to your supervisor as soon as possible. Your supervisor will provide you with the Workers’ Compensation form(s), as well as additional instructions on seeking medical care, as applicable.
If you have questions after discussing with your supervisor, please contact workcomp@mcclatchy.com.
Leave Resource Documents
This table links to resource documents by state (or, if not listed, please use the All States link) to help you begin and navigate through the process of requesting your leave of absence.
Washington | D.C. | |
New York | ||
Hawaii | New Jersey | Colorado (2023) |
Oregon (2023) | All Other States | |
McClatchy's LOA team is here to help you navigate considerations or the need for leave. For information regarding your rights under state and federal family and medical leave laws, disability laws, wage replacement or to notify of a leave of absence, contact the LOA team by phone or email or using the information below:
- Phone: 800-852-2802, Opt. 2
- Email: leaves@mcclatchy.com